
MetroAir Virtual Now a VATSIM ATO

KANSAS CITY, MO. – MetroAir Virtual Virtual Airlines announced the airline is an official VATSIM Authorized Training Organization for its pilots during a press conference at the airline’s headquarters here.

MetroAir pilots will now be able to undergo training and certification for the VATSIM pilot ratings, starting with the P1 rating.

“We’re very pleased to be able to offer our pilots this additional training opportunity. A lot of work went into our becoming an authorized training organization and I’d like to thank everyone involved for their hard work reaching this great milestone,” Matt Dissinger, MetroAir’s Chief Technology Officer, said.

The VATSIM P1 rating is the first rating for pilots which requires training and certification and covers being a VATSIM Online Pilot. The rating system ranges from P0, which requires no training, to P9, which requires extensive training.  Currently only P1 – P3 ratings are available to VATSIM pilots.

“It’s an exciting time for MetroAir and we hope to offer additional VATSIM certifications in the future,” said Matt Calsada, MetroAir’s Chief Executive Officer.

Pilots interested in joining MetroAir Virtual Airlines can find out more information about the airline and the VATSIM training program at


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