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Sky Blue Radio VA Days – Featuring FREE! Advertising for Virtual Airlines

Sky Blue Radio will be celebrating VA Days the third weekend in February on the 15th, 16th and 17th, 2013. That weekend Virtual Airlines (VA’s) will have the opportunity to promote their airlines for FREE on Sky Blue Radio and can enter to win one year of advertising if selected as the Sky Blue Radio Virtual Airline of the Year!

Airlines must submit their intentions no later than February 12th 2013.

If Virtual Airlines want Sky Blue Radio to produce their on-air promotional ads, they must notify us no later than February 10th, 2013.

To be considered for Sky Blue Radios Virtual Airline of the Year:

* VA’s must submit a one page summary of what makes their VA unique, community within flight simulation.
* VA’s do not have to be affiliated with any online network.
* Each summary will be evaluated by our panel of judges with a winner selected from the submissions. Submissions must be made no later than February 12th, 2013.

This opportunity is open to all Virtual Airlines; however space is limited so please get the word out to your Virtual Airline Managers as soon as possible!

Please submit your application to

Keep updated with VA Days at:

Sky Blue Radio broadcasts 24 hours a day, 7 days a week around the world. Listeners can tune in to Sky Blue Radio by accessing our website at Listeners may also tune in via their Flight Simulator COMM 2 radios on 123.45 with our Wee Tune Beastie application available for download on our website. We are now available via Black Berry or iPhone through; Android listeners can access Sky Blue Radio by downloading Win amp Mobile (Android), then search for Sky Blue Radio.


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