VAF-Header-LUVSWA1.jpg Sponsor Deal With A State of Trance Radio Show

LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND – flyeuro, the new, up and coming virtual low-cost conglomerate of Europe, has announced a new partnership with the world’s most famous radio show, A State of Trance, ran by the legendary Dutch DJ, Armin van Buuren on a weekly basis, every Thursday.

The show in 2013 celebrates it’s 600th episode, and between February and April, it will tour around the world with almost 10 concerts being played on all continents, in some of the biggest world cities such as Mexico City, Mumbai, Miami and New York.

flyeuro announced that a specially repainted G-ASOT livery will be handed to pilots to fly to the gigs in Minsk in Belarus, Sofia in Bulgaria, Beirut in Lebanon and Den Bosch in Netherlands.

flyeuro’s schedule of flights will resemble the real schedules. On the 7th March, pilots will have a chance to visit Minsk; a day later, Sofia and on the Sunday, Beirut. The tour will conclude with the real tour on 6th April in Den Bosch.

The airline’s CEO, Mr Bonczyk said “It is an exciting opportunity for us to be able to offer these flights to our pilots. It opens a diverse range of flights… for at least a weekend.” He added “It allows us also to see whether these routes would be popular”.

This will be the first charter tour of flyeuro airline, with many to come. “We’re planning to run another similar event just after the implementation of our summer schedule”.

If you are looking to join, visit the airline at


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