
Eastern Airlines Virtual Turns 15 Years Old!

August 9th, 1998 was the beginning of Eastern Airlines Virtual.  The Internet age was still fairly new for the mainstream computer users.  Still, a group of guys who enjoyed flight simulation wanted to start this Virtual Airline.  Using services like CompUServe, America Online, and other various bulletin board systems, they were able to connect and get the Golden Falcon back in the air again.

Today, there are several hundred virtual airlines around today.   Many are very successful and there are others that are struggling. but we all share a great hobby.   It does take a lot of hard work and dedication to make a VA work.  Here at Eastern, we have shown that we have that dedication.  We continue to work hard to keep pilots flying.

Eastern Airlines Virtual is always looking for people that have the same dedication.  Whether you are veteran or a new pilot, we accept everyone who is willing to fly.  Our management staff is very  knowledgeable  and willing to help new pilots.  We never have and strict restrictions, ranks or anything to keep pilots from flying our routes.  Only thing we ask is that you fly regularly.  If you enjoy the hobby as much as we do, this shouldn’t be an issue.

For more information on Eastern Airlines Virtual, please visit

See how we earn our wings, everyday!


One Response to Eastern Airlines Virtual Turns 15 Years Old!

  • editor says:

    Congratulations to the management, staff and pilots for Eastern Airlines Virtual! What an achievement!! :)

    Lindle Romero

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