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Eastern Goes Around the World, Again!

EasternAVEastern Airlines Virtual earlier this year released its Around the World Tour.  We make a new Around the World Tour every year.  This year we have a tour that will allow you to enjoy both cold winters and hot summers.  This tour will test your skills with short runways, high altitude airports and flying to the far reaches of earth.  There are 26 legs to this tour to keep you busy.  It has been a lot of fun.

We also have other tours currently ongoing.  We have a South Pacific Tour which will take you to many of the islands used during World War II.  There is also a Middle Eastern Tour that visits .

The pilots at Eastern love to fly the tours.  When they are not flying tours, we still have over 4000 other routes that can be flown.  With flights for the short haul pilots to the long haul pilots and everything in between, there is something for everybody here at Eastern.

So if you are looking for a virtual airline to fly for, please check us out.  If your new to the hobby or a veteran pilot, we will accept you.  We just ask that you have the dedication to fly frequently.  If you are new to the hobby, we have a very knowledgeable staff that can help you get started.  Eastern also has a dedicated ventrillo server for the pilots to use.

To find out more, please visit and check us out.  Come and see how we earn our wings, everyday.


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