
Sky Blue Radio Announces VA Days 2014 Winning Virtual Airline, vUSAF!

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Sky Blue Radio is pleased to announce our VA Days 2014 winner!  Sky Blue Radio has selected Virtual U.S. Air Force (vUSAF) as the ultimate virtual airline for 2014!

vUSAF has been serving the Flight Simulator Community for 15 years with around 100 members actively flying averaging more than 15,000 plus hours a year in various training exercises and club wide events. As you can see the vUSAF is a very active organization!

So throw yourself into an immersive virtual reality using top-of-the-line scenery, proprietary software, and your own skills to accomplish your goals.

Do you have what it takes to fly with the best?  Check out their Web Site at

vUSAF utilizes the airframes, as simulated in Microsoft Flight Simulator X, BMS’ Falcon 4.32 Combat Flight Simulator, the ‘DCS’ Digital Combat Flight Simulator, and other sources to achieve the  mission of air supremacy and tactics in the virtual battlefront to truly make it “as real as it gets”!

New to vUSAF is the ‘ACMI’ Air Combat Maneuvering Instrumentation which is free for active members of vUSAF.  ACMI simulates multiplayer combat operations with visual effects seen by all users of the ACMI; even on the VATSIM network!

Global Vigilance, Reach and Power. The Virtual United States Air Force, NO ONE COMES CLOSE!

Our VA Days winner will enjoy over 4000 USD worth of free advertising for one year!  Please join Sky Blue Radio in congratulating our Virtual Airline of the Year for 2014!  Check them out at and tell them “congrats!”


About Sky Blue Radio:
Listeners can tune in to Sky Blue Radio by accessing our website at

Listeners may also tune in via their Flight Simulator comm 2 radios on 123.45 with our Free Wee Tune Beastie desktop application available for download on our website. We also are available via Black Berry, Android or Apple mobile devices through the TuneIn Application. 

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