
Canadian Xpress April 2014 Challenge – Easter Egg Hunt


This month is about FlightSim Easter Eggs. What is an FS Easter Egg you might ask? Easter Eggs in the computer software world are little hidden secrets developers write in to their software to give you a little shock and surprise should you find them. Easter Eggs have been in FlightSim since the early days back as far as FS4. Where the Prudential sign on One Prudential Plaza in downtown Chicago, would light up as the sun set. FS2000 added more Easter Eggs, like the tethered weather blimp 14,000 feet above the Florida Keys. Some of these Easter Eggs are very time specific, where others can be seen at any time.

For this month’s challenge we are going back in time, back to 1983 to see the Kilauea volcano eruption. The volcano is still erupting today, but the main eruption happened on January 3, 1983. So the FlightSim Easter Egg only shows up in 1983.

The Challenge is easy this month, load up your favorite piston powered single engine aircraft from the CXA fleet (that you have the rank to fly) for a 75 nm sightseeing flight from Hilo Intl (PHTO) to Kilauea finishing at Kona Intl (PHKO). Set your sim time to January 3, 1983 at 5:20pm local time for the best view.

Join Canadian Xpress today in order to participate as there are some great prizes to be won including:

The Canadian Xpress April 2014 Challenge is open to all Canadian Xpress pilots from April 2nd until April 27th, 2014 so join Canadian Xpress today by visiting

*Canadian Xpress accepts 50% of your VATSIM, IVAO or other virtual airline hours with no limits.


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