Over the last 5½ years, Canadian Xpress has visited some of the most amazing airports around the world. From time to time, we are going to hold a Throwback event of some of our earlier flights, so those pilots who are new to the flight simulator world can enjoy our past adventures. However these events aren’t simply just a recycle version of old. New flight plans, updated charts and scenery have been added where possible, to show off new add-ons and changes to the airports.
This month we are doing a Throwback event to November of 2012 and revisiting Paro which is the only international airport in Bhutan. The airport is located 4 miles from Paro in a deep valley on the bank of the river Paro Chhu. With surrounding peaks as high as 18,000 ft it is considered one of the world’s most challenging airports. As of October 2009, only eight pilots in the world were certified to land at the airport. Flights at Paro are allowed under visual meteorological conditions only and are restricted to daylight hours from sunrise to sunset.
Canadian Xpress would like to invite all pilots & virtual airlines to join us on Saturday, February 21st at 10h00est (15h00z) and 21h00est (Sunday 02h00z) for our February 2015 fly-in where we fly from Delhi (VIDP) to Paro (VQPR).
This is an open invitation to all pilots no matter what your flying experience to attend this Canadian Xpress sponsored event that will be flown on the VATSIM network.
More information regarding this event including operational details, charts, optional add-on scenery and the Canadian Xpress vPilot Model Set or Canadian Xpress SquawkBox Model Set can be viewed by visiting http://canadianxpress.ca/ or by directly downloading our Fly-In document here.
See you all on Saturday the 21st!
Canadian Xpress Virtual Airline
~Fly Virtually Anywhere!™ ~
CXA-TV ~Watch Us Fly!~
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