
Citylink-VA Announces Vintage Group Perks


The staff of CityLink presents to their pilots another fine way to spend your well-earned virtual money.
At first we came up with the rental service, where you can rent a plane and make a flight that’s not registered in the timetable of our company.
Now we have thought of something new. When you reach the rank of Captain, you can sign up with The Vintage Group.
A membership card will cost you 5000 euros the first time and then an annual fee of 500 euro per year for as long as you want to stay member of this group.
The payments will take place at our pilot shop on the website.

What do we offer you for this amount of money?

You will get access to a timetable with vintage Fokker flights, which were flown in the past.
We will start with the VLM flights with a Fokker 50. These flights did really exist and the times and places are accurate.
Since the VLM had its headquarters at London City, EGLC will play a major role for the Vintage Group.
On that matter London City is scrapped as a destination in the timetable of CityLink-VA.
We will guarantee you that no matter what changes are made in the fleet of CityLink, the Vintage Group will always fly their Fokkers.
As stated we will start with the Fokker 50, but we will expand with the other Fokkers in time.
And last but not least, you get to get an active part in this group, because with the proper proof of an existing flight with a Fokker you can make suggestions for adding flights to the vintage timetable. We hope to keep the inheritance of a great brand name alive


The base membership card:
Citylink Card1
Membership Card for 2015:
Citylink Card2

CityLink Award


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