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Flight1 Officially Releases Ground Environment Prepar3D World Edition

Performance and Sight Seeing in One Package:
You can now experience a Flight1 award winning scenery product that changes the entire Prepar3D simulation ground texture and autogen world from pole to pole in one install. Ground Environment Prepar3D (or GEP3D for short) greatly improves the Prepar3D simulation world. Autogen has been meticulously placed and done so with reasonable virtual address space (VAS) consumption and overhead in mind. A secure backup is established by the product for easy and quick restore at any time.

From Kabul to Kathmandu, from Cape Town to Anchorage Ground Environment strives to make the world look like the world and not sacrifice one part of it for another.

Keep it Simple – Sandbox Friendly Approach:
Flight1 understands the importance of a free and open sandbox system where everyone should be able to enjoy their freeware and payware scenery products alike. Airport, scenery or photo-scenery products that work with default Prepar3D core control files will work with GEP3D. GEP3D is made to work just like the Prepar3D default texture system so you can be assured that your scenery add-ons will overlay and work with GEP3D the same way the default Prepar3D system allows.

Updates and Improvements:
Regular update cycles are scheduled for the product. Updates for GEP3D will be free of charge for the life of the product. The next update cycle is for Northern Europe and is scheduled to be released in the fall of 2015.

Ground Environment and Ultimate Terrain Landclass/Scenery Products:
Ground Environment is a development partner with Scenery Solutions and their Ultimate Terrain series. All Ultimate Terrain products have been pre-tested and verified for use with GEP3D. As the Ultimate Terrain developers release and update their products for Prepar3D the Ground Environment team will be there to maintain continuity between the product lines for seamless blending between the two products. The combination of the latest Ground Environment and Ultimate Terrain products produces one of the highest volume autogen renders with the least virtual address space consumption, something that is critical for the serious simulation user with current render engine limitations.

Key Features:
• Full day and night texture support for all Ultimate Terrain Prepar3D landclass products
• Enhanced textures to assist in rendering clear visuals as low as 250-500ft
• High volume autogen layout with optimizations for maximum performance
• Worldwide coverage from pole to pole with one texture product install
• Low virtual address space consumption with maximum visual results
• 1m/pixel – 1024×1024 Textures – No excessive resolution to render
• Automated file backup system with smart backup storage
• Automated one click/browse move of backup directory
• Includes all seasons and night lighting environment
• Exceptional cloud shadow and lighting response
• No cost updates for the life of the product
• One click automated update system
• Real time status interface readout
• Quick Enable/Disable on the fly

Ground Environment Prepar3D is available at the Flight1 website and in the support area for the product. A large number of images are available for review at the support forum and at Lockheed Martin Prepar3D web linked below

Flight1 Product Page:

Ground Environment Support Forum:

Prepar3D Web Site:


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