
Citylink VA is Going to Beatles!

CityLinkYou read it correct. We are going to Beatles. Beatles refer to The Beatles. A very popular pop group in the sixties and seventies. And they came from Liverpool.  In fact is Citylink-va, going to Liverpool.
And by that we mean, we are going to open a new hub in Liverpool.

The grand opening of Liverpool will be executed with the RJ100. The plane that was just introduced in a couple of flights in the South of Spain. Malaga was the first point of starting our new strategy: ”Connecting the dots”. In fact we are connecting our future hubs with the RJ100. Liverpool is our new hub, and following Malaga, in the project “Connecting the dots”.

Liverpool connects to the following dots:
(LEMG) Malaga (+/- 3 hours)
(LFSB) Basel (+/- 1:45 hour)
(ENBR) Bergen (+/- 1:45 hour)

Look at this map:;+lpl-bgo;+lpl-bsl%0D%0A&R=800nm%40lpl%0D%0A&MS=wls&MR=300&MX=720×360&PM=*&PC=%23ff0000&RC=%23000080

The introduction of Liverpool is all month of February long and can be flown by any pilot.
After the introduction, will we take the schedules to its normal rank. And you need to have the rank of Captain in order the mini jumbo.

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