Sky Blue Radio will be celebrating “VA Days 2014” the third weekend in February on the 21st, 22nd, 23rd and 24th.
That weekend Virtual Airlines will have the opportunity to promote and advertise their organization at no cost on Sky Blue Radio and have the opportunity to win one year of free advertising if selected as the Sky Blue Radio “Virtual Airline of the Year”! The total value of the advertising for the VA Days Virtual Airline of the Year exceeds $4,000!
Each Virtual Airline who enters before the deadline will be allotted a 30 second audio spot to air all weekend on Sky Blue Radio during the promotion. We will also include banner placement for your VA on our website. Submit your entries now! Space is limited! Entry period is open now!
Then on March 1, 2014, Sky Blue Radio will select and award the “Sky Blue Radio Virtual Airline of the Year”!
Airlines must submit their entries no later than February 18th 2014 to
If your Virtual Airline requires or requests that Sky Blue Radio produce your on-air audio ad promo, your VA must submit text copy of the advertisement to Sky Blue Radio to no later than February 15th, 2014.
To be considered for Sky Blue Radios Virtual Airline of Continue reading