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Dayjet Adds 737-800

Officials from DayJet Virtual Airlines announced today the airline buys a new 737-800.

Dayjet typically uses the Learjet 60, but Board Members felt that acquiring the 737-800 would amp up business.

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New jetEngland Virtual Buys 737-800

JetEngland Virtual, a new virtual airline based in the UK, today announced the roll out of the Boeing 737-800. The 737-800, which is the smallest aircraft in the fleet will be used to shuttle passengers accross the United Kingdom and European destinations.

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FlyBlue Airways to Postpone Grand Opening

Just recently in, the CEO of FlyBlue Airways came out for a press release and informed VAFlash reporters that there has been a delay in the start of operations at FlyBlue because of events that have taken over his time. Continue reading


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