
B6 Virtual

B6 Virtual Airlines Elects New Events Coordinator

B6 Virtual Airlines elects a new Events Coordinator to take the reigns. Salvatore Barcia, a member that has been with us nearly since the begining, was just recently elected into the seat of Events Coordinator. The final vote was 22 YES and 2 NO. B6 Virtual has a unique system for putting people into staff positions. Drawing its roots from the High School Band ” Chair ” system, people at B6 are allowed to challenge for positions. This unique approach keeps only the most motivated people in staff positions to keep us moving forward and growing. Salvatore is B6′s first official challenge in the airline’s staff structure. Continue reading

B6 Virtual Gearing Up To Officially Open

B6 finally has a home at VATUSA! CEO – Melinda Romig has created B6 Virtual to be a close knit family of pilots that celebrates the existence of everyone’s favorite “ Blue Tips “. With over 500 active routes all over the United States, Caribbean and South America we have something for just about everyone. Operating as close to real world as we can, B6 operates only the Airbus A320 and Embraer E190. Our official launch date isn’t until next month, however, we’re looking for pilots to continue to help us build the airline. Continue reading


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