
Cathay Pacific Virtual

Cathay Pacific Virtual Wants You!

Cathay Pacific Virtual is a dynamic virtual airline based in the Island Nation of Hong Kong. We replicate the operations of the real world Cathay Pacific and Cathay Pacific Cargo, flying the A330, A340, B777 and B747, we can cater to every sim pilots long haul dreams. We have short range to ultra long range flights available in some of the most popular planes available.

We are currently seeking applicants who wish to be trained on our fleet of A330 aircraft. Applicants will have to spend 10 hours flying time after joining on the A330 before being able to pursue other aircraft type ratings.

To qualify for membership to Cathay Pacific Virtual the pilot is required to meet the following minimum criteria;

•    The pilot must be in possession of Flight Simulator 2004 or FSX.
•    The pilot must be over the age of 13.
•    The ability to fly for Cathay Pacific Virtual once every 30 days. (See Pilot Inactivity Policy)
•    The pilot must submit their real identity. (No nicknames or callsigns are permitted)
•    The ability to show professionalism within the organization and when conducting Online Operations.
•    As English is the international language of the aviation industry, we require applicants to harbour a reasonable level of written and spoken English.

Online Network Registration

•    There is no formal obligation to fly using the online network, however we recommend the use of Continue reading

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