Canadian Xpress® would like to invite all pilots to join us on Saturday September 17th, 2011 at 10h00edt (14h00z) for our September Fly-In where we will fly to the highest commercial airport in the world.
Bangda which is located in Bangda, Tibet, has an elevation of 14,219 ft and its runway 14/32 is the longest public runway in the world at 18,045 ft or 3.42 miles. The low air density at this altitude makes a higher takeoff & landing airspeed necessary, thus why there is a longer runway.
Departing from Zia International (VGZR), Dhaka, Bangladesh, the former finish line of the world famous Paris to Dhaka rally, we will follow standard IFR routing and climb from 26 feet above sea level to land in Continue reading
Already 2 years and over 18,000 flights, the success our VA is undisputable thanks to all of our pilots!
In order to celebrate in an appropriate manner, Canadian Xpress® would like to invite all pilots to join us for our August 2011 fly-in where we travel the eastern part of Canada.
Departing from Halifax (CYHZ), we will travel west to the nation’s capital of Continue reading
Vortex Virtual Airlines will be hosting its official launch event throughout the month of June. Come join us in a month of excitement, challenging flying and massive prizes! Every week we will be giving away 2 prizes to 2 lucky pilots! One prize will be given to a pilot who flies during our themed week and the 2nd given to a pilot who joins us in our Group Flight!
Our first group flights will take place on the 4th and 5th of June. The first flight will take place at 1800Z on Saturday 4th of June leaving Dublin (EIDW) for Knock (EIKN). Our second flight will also Continue reading
The Confederation Bridge is an 8 mile bridge connecting Prince Edward Island to New Brunswick and mainland Canada.
Moncton/Gander FIR invite all pilots to join them on Saturday, May 28th between 19h00edt (23h00z) & 23h00edt (03h00z) on the VATSIM network for a crossing of the Bridge. Charlottetown Airport (CYYG), Moncton (CYQM), as well as Fredericton (CYFC) will all be staffed, so come fly in and out of these airports and have a great night!
Tahiti is the world’s definition of paradise. Legends describe Tahiti-Nui and Tahiti-Iti as a great fish that swam away from the sacred waters of Havai’i, now known as the lagoon shared by Raiatea and Taha’a. Canadian Xpress® would like to invite all pilots to join us on Saturday May 21st, 2011 at 21h00edt (01h00z) and grasp a piece of this Pacific jewel in our May 2011 Fly-In.
Departing from Rarotonga (NCRG) in the Cook Islands we will head east crossing some interesting Atolls to beautiful Tahiti Nui (NAAA) in Faaa.
This is an open invitation to all pilots no matter what your flying experience to attend Continue reading
Canadian Xpress® would like to invite all pilots to join us for our April Fly-In where we will depart from Denver Colorado, the Mile-High City, to Las Vegas Nevada, the Entertainment Capital of the World, to finally end our journey in the desert surrounding Tucson Arizona, home of the Optics Valley and famous aircraft bone yards.
There is a lot of beautiful Free photo scenery for those areas. So pack up your simulator with them and join us for tons of fun!
This is an open invitation to all pilots no matter what your flying experience to attend this Canadian Xpress® sponsored event that Continue reading
IVAO UK are proud to present the UK’s biggest airport and the world’s busiest international airport, fully staffed for an event you will never forget.
Hundreds of real flights ranging from short domestic flights to international long hauls are available for you to book at Heathrow during this epic 6 hour event.
ATC will be provided from a live vACC in Milton Keynes with over 20 active Continue reading