


After discussions with the Highland Council, Highland & Island Airport authority it has been decided that there is a lack of scheduled services within the Islands to the mainland of Scotland. Due to grants being provided we have been able to offer a service to some of the remotest, most sparesly populated areas and Islands in the United Kingdom. We aim to provide an island to island service, which will connect with Dundee on the mainland with connections to Liverpool for onward flights. For this purpose we have acquired a Jetstream 31, which is capable of short take-off and landings. More info on the new Highland Service can be found here:


Execair Seeking Management Staff

ExecAir is actively seeking applications for staff vacancies as of today. You can find out more about the VA at the website: We will also be happy to answer any questions, either posted on their website or sent by email. We ask that all applicants are able to demonstrate that they have some relevant experience, and we are only accepting applications from people aged 18years and over. In addition, all those wishing, staff or pilot members, to join ExecAir will have to undertake an online exam, in which they will be asked 20 multiple choice questions on ExecAir, general avionic and flight simulator knowledge. It is essential that anyone applying reads the ExecAir Pilots Handbook before making the application, it can be found here Continue reading


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