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Canadian Xpress April Fly-In: Aleutian Islands

Canadian Xpress® would like to invite all pilots to join us for our April fly-in where we will fly the Aleutian Islands.

Departing from Adak (PADK), we will head east to Dutch Harbour (PADU), home of the Discovery Channel TV series Deadliest Catch. Then continuing east, we will end our Alaskan venture in Cold Bay (PACD). Continue reading


Canadian Xpress Announces March Fly-In Destination – Columbia!

Canadian Xpress® would like to invite all pilots to join us for our March fly-in where we will fly high in the Colombian Andes range!

Departing from Bogotà (SKBO) we will head south to Pasto (SKPS) at the foothill of the Galeras volcano for a high altitude visual landing. We then head back up north to Pereira (SKPE) for another high altitude approach where the coffee smells great.

This is an open invitation to all pilots no matter what your flying experience to attend this Canadian Xpress® sponsored event that will be flown on the Vatsim network. Continue reading


Canadian Xpress January Fly-In – Kai Tak

Canadian Xpress® would like to invite all pilots to join us on January 23rd where we will go back in time to fly The most dangerous approach that ever existed: The KAI TAK checkered board approach!

Departing from Manila in the Philippines, we will head north to Hong Kong, and with weather conditions permitting, we will fly the IGS Rwy 13 checkered board approach in Kai Tak.

This is an open invitation to all pilots no matter what your flying experience to attend this Canadian Xpress® sponsored event that will be flown on the Vatsim network. Continue reading


EuroHarmony VA announces late summer fly-in on October 6th

EuroHarmony VA is pleased to announce a late summer fly-in on the IVAO network scheduled for October 6th at 1800 Zulu.

We will be flying from Leipzig EDDP, where the evenings are drawing in, and heading down to Ajaccio LFKJ in the “Isle of Beauty” Corsica, where summer sun still reigns!

All pilots are invited to join us and take part in this relaxing and enjoyable online excursion before winter takes hold of Europe!

Full details of the route plus charts and scenery can be found at


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