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FlyUK opens flying club

Fly UK, one of the UK’s leading virtual airlines, celebrating its 4th year of operations this year, has today launched a new flying club for its pilots.

The new flying club, which has bases in the UK at Cumbernauld, Sherburn and Shoreham allows pilots to have a break from the normal scheduled operations and hop into a light aircraft or helicopter for some VFR flying! Pilots are encouraged to fly on the airlines in-house FSD server, although also welcomes pilots to fly online on the IVAO/VATSIM networks. The club plans to organise regular group and adventure events as well as introducing a number of club tours, including a UK helicopter tour. Pilots have the use of a personal logbook to log flights and also have the option of taking up one2one training courses with the airlines in house Training Academy that includes an instructor who holds a real world PPL. Continue reading


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