
monthly update

Eastern Airlines Virtual October 2015 Update

EasternAVIt’s October! That can only mean two things, Halloween is coming and EVERYTHING is Pumpkin Spice flavored! Here at Eastern Airlines Virtual we’re not pumpkin spice flavored, but we do serve it on our flights! While enjoying a cup of your favorite pumpkin spiced concoction why not take a flight on one of our beautifully painted airplanes as our Fleet Painter continues to release our updated fleet to the world. Has fall been a little too chilly for your tastes thus far? Why not enjoy one of our Tours to warmer climes, such as our Tours of Brazil, the Caribbean, or the South Pacific. You can enjoy all of these tours plus many, many more flights when you become a pilot at Eastern Airlines Virtual!

Eastern Airlines Virtual offers many benefits including;

- 10 hubs spread across the United States, from traditional Eastern
Airlines hubs in Miami and Atlanta to non-traditional Eastern hubs in Los Angeles, Dallas, and Seattle.

- Fleet Hanger with 33 Aircraft ranging from modern aircraft in new
liveries to traditional Eastern Airlines birds in the iconic Eastern Hockey Stick livery. Fly the DC-3 to the A380 and 747-8

- Earn Ribbons and Medals flying Tours and Challenges. Our website
contains a complete pilot profile page where you can view and keep track of all your awards on our Pilot Profile page.

- Ranking system based on Hours flown.

- NO hourly or minimum rank requirements to fly bigger aircraft.

Come see us at and see how, even now with more Pumpkin Spice! We’re still “Earning our Wings Everyday”




Well it has been a quiet couple of months for Caal airways and things are continuing along smoothly. We recently celebrated our third birthday with a flight on Vatsim which was attended by quite a few members. We also had a number of new pilots join us and they have already posted quite a few flights to the board. The latest issues of our mag can be found at the links below. Please take some time to read these and if you are interested in joining us, then feel free to visit our website and join up. All new pilots are welcome.

September Issue


Caal Airways Monthly Update for August 2014


Another great month for Caal Airways. With 117 flights covering 75,000 miles and over 180 flight hours, a total of 15362 passengers were carried.

Caal also introduced our code-share flights, beginning a new phase in Caalairs history. Our code-share partners are listed on our site.

The Caal Fleet has also been given a fresh new livery. The new colours can be seen in our latest magazine.

5 new pilots joined with us and have been welcomed with open doors.

The staff at Caalair wish to thank all their pilots for their continued support.”

CloverFlight magazine can be found Here:

Caal Airways Monthly Update for July 2014


Caalair has had a fantastic moth for June. With new members joining and getting flights on the board very quickly. Opening on the 1st of July was our new hub as Kingsford Smith International, Sydney(YSSY). Many routes have been added and waiting on the arrival of the new aircraft. Caalair also has a current tour for the World Cup 2014 visiting the venues and watching some games. We welcomed a new Fleet Manager after the position became vacant when our long running former Fleet Manager retired the position to further his other interests. All at Caalair wish him well in the future. Our fleet is currently undergoing a refit and receiving a new paint job. Our new look will be featured in the August issue of Clover Flight.

Our July edition is available for viewing here:

Caal Airways welcomes all new pilots and looks forward to the future. Why not be part of it today.

Visit us at


Caal Airways Monthly Update for June 2014


Another great month has passed for Caal airways with 6 new pilots joining our ranks. 60 Pilot Awards were also handed out for the month. 134 flights covering 99,600 miles and over 280 were recorded by our pilots. Our latest edition of Clover Flight Magazine is now available foe viewing on the link below:

Caalair is considering an expansion into Oceania with a hub possibly in Australia. If you are in this region and are considering a VA, then please feel free to visit our site and join up. If you like the idea of flying around AU and NZ or maybe even Asia Pacific, please express your interest to the Media Director on the site. The more interest the more chance it will become a reality.

Come and join us and fly “The Way Flight Should Be”


Caal Airways Monthly Update for May 2014


Welcome to the Caalair update for May. It has been another great month for us at Caal Airways. We welcomed 3 new pilots to the ranks and have already posted flights on the board. An event  from Dublin to Manchester was held on Vatsim and was well received by those that attended. Good news also for the fleet as a couple of old favorites were returned to active service, the MD11 and an EMB170.  A total of 86 flights were flown which covered 60169 Miles. Our screenshot competition for the monthly magazine cover produced some excellent pictures, some of which have been placed into the mag. The staff at Caalair thank all their pilots and welcome the new recruits and look forward to a great month in May.

Please check out our latest edition of “CLOVER FLIGHT MAGAZINE” on the link below:

Caal Airways Monthly Update for April 2014


It has been about six months since the last release of “Clover Flight Magazine” and the airline has seen many changes. Many new pilots have joined our ranks. Also some pilots have taken the opportunity to become P1 and P2 rated pilots with our Vatsim training. We welcome all our new pilots and congratulate our Trained ones. Sadly some bad news, Due to lack of revenue and increasing running costs, Our FAJS Hub in South Africa had to be disbanded and the aircraft utilized on other routes. The airline still services SA. with all routes still in service but flown on a “as required ” basis. Stansted has also seen some changes and all passenger flight have been cancelled. Mail flights will continue and a new heavy haulage aircraft has been employed to cater for the new operations. The combining of our two hubs in Ireland into one district has proven to be a winner with many new flights now available, both short and long haul. Fleet changes have been made with some aircraft being retired and some into storage or kept for parts. I have no doubt we will be seeing some more modern aircraft in the future. Caal Airways is a growing virtual airline and is always on the lookout for prospective pilots. Why not come and visit us and take the next step and start your career with us.

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