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Pete Wright

Sky Blue Radio – FS In Focus Show Welcomes Pete Wright (Froogle) and Dave Pascoe! (Owner of

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Sky Blue Radio presents a new and exciting edition of FS InFocus, when host DJ RotoMoto and co-host Captain Crunch welcomes Pete Wright and Dave Pascoe on November 14th at 1800 Zulu!

Pete Wright, aka Froogle, is a long time contributor to PC Pilot magazine and the founder of Frooglesim on Youtube ( Frooglesim is the most popular hardcore simulation channel on YouTube providing deep dive tutorials on how to marry real world techniques and procedures to desktop simulators and add-ons.

Pete is also the developer behind tapCheck, the spoken checklist app for iPhone and the author of more than a dozen best selling books on software development. A native of London, Froogle now lives just outside Orlando, Florida with his wife and kids, and two dogs named Mac and Tosh.

Dave Pascoe is the Founder & Owner of, an Instrument-rated Private Pilot and avid supporter of General Aviation.  Dave’s eclectic background includes RF, network, security and systems Continue reading


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