
Platinum Airways

Platinum Airways Goes On Polar Expedition

Platinum Airways’ pilots will go on a Polar Expedition in January. In its latest Destination of the Week series, the Open Skies virtual airline will visit four Antarctic airfields: McMurdo Sea Ice Runway, William’s Field, Marambio Base and Wilkins Runway.

Most airfields in the Antarctic are only available during the Southern hemisphere’s summer. That makes the month of January ideal for a Polar Expedition. The first two destinations serve the main US research facility, McMurdo Station on the southern tip of Ross Island, a New Zealand claimed territory. Platinum Airways will fly to two of its three airfields: Sea Ice Runway (NZIR) and William’s Field (NZWD). Operated by Australia, Wilkins Runway (YWKS) services Casey Base. The fourth Polar Expedition takes us to Continue reading


Platinum Airways Prepares Holiday Season With Diamonds Are Forever

Diamonds are forever is Platinum Airways’ new Destination of the Week theme. Running from 27 November 2011 to 1 January 2012, Diamonds are forever will visit four airports that are closely linked with this gem’s history and future, only to be interrupted with Platinum Airways’ traditional visit to Santa at Rovaniemi Airport in Finland.

As Christmas and New Year are only about a month away, Platinum Airways will be devoting its forthcoming Destination of the Week theme to what can probably be called the most ultimate gift: diamonds. Diamonds are forever will first take us to Kimberley, South Africa (FAKM), scene of the 19th Century diamond rush in the vicinity of the Big Hole and the de Beers farm. We will then continue to London City Airport (EGLC), not far from the Central Selling Organisation, the most important diamond trading institution. From London, it’s just a short hop across the Channel, to Antwerp, Belgium (EBAW), with its 500 year involvement in diamond cutting and trading. The final Diamonds are forever destination is Continue reading


Platinum Airways’ new Destination of the Week theme: It’s the runway, stupid!

Platinum Airways has announced its November theme for its Destination of the Week feature. With “It’s the runway, stupid!” the very virtual airline will be visiting four very special runways and airports. The theme runs from 30 October to 27 November 2011.

“It’s the runway, stupid!” will be visiting some of the world’s most peculiar runways. Consider Barra, Scotland (EGPR), the world’s only airport offering a scheduled service with three runways located on the beach. Or Funchal, Madeira (LPMA), with a runway extension built on pylons over land and sea, and with a parking garage underneath, given the Outstanding Structures Award by the International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering? The third destination is Wellington, New Zealand (NZWN), which guarantees rough landings and wonderful sightings for wind surfers within 100 m – 300 ft of the runway. The final “It’s the runway, Stupid!” destination is one of Continue reading


Platinum Airways Pays Tribute to October Magic

As the northern hemisphere is gliding into autumn, Platinum Airways will dedicate its next four Destinations of the Week to October Magic. The very virtual Open Skies airline will be paying tribute to airports that show true fall colors.

October Magic will visit four northern hemisphere airports that are located in a forest environment. The first airport is one of the busiest in the world: Frankfurt am Main – EDDF. Hopefully, ATC will guide pilots to 07L or R, over Mönchwald forest. The second DOTW will be Manchester, NH – KMHT. The third autumn destination takes us to Gothenburg, Sweden, to Landvetter (ESGG). The final destination is Castlegar in Canada’s British Columbia province (CYGG), a very tricky and Continue reading


Platinum Airways Goes Single and Busy

Platinum Airways has revealed its new Destination of the Week theme: Single and Busy. In the next four weeks, the very virtual Open Skies airline will be visiting some of the busiest single runway airports around the globe.

With Single and Busy, Platinum Airways launches a worthy successor to the Summer Holidays theme that ran in July and August. Single and Busy focuses on the busiest single runway airports around the world. North America’s representative is KSAN – San Diego: Lindbergh Field has about 600 arrivals and departures each day. This is second only to Gatwick Airport (EGKK), with a daily average of 660 movements. Strictly speaking, Gatwick has two runways, but they are too close to each other to allow safe operations. The selection of Kandahar International Airport (OAKN) is due to NATO’s 2009 operations, with 5,000 flights a week. And the final Single and Busy destination is Sao Paolo’s Campo de Marte Airport (SBMT), that handled more than Continue reading


Platinum Airways Enters Very Active Summer Season

Platinum Airways, the very virtual Open Skies airline, is ready for a very busy summer season. Its Destination of the Week theme focuses on the good and bad experiences of Summer Holidays, the airline has launched a military division and the relief flights received yet another update.

During July and August, Platinum Airways’ central Destination of the Week (DOTW) theme will be Summer Holidays. Spread over nine weeks, pilots will visit Europe’s and North America’s busiest holiday destinations, will visit the holiday destinations that have the highest probability of environmental cancellations (Keflavik, Iceland) and industrial action (Athens, Greece) action, will try to overcome guaranteed delays at Europe’s and North America’s top ranked airports with the worst reputations in that field, etc. Continue reading


Platinum Airways’ Destination of the Week Visits Islands in the Sun

Platinum Airways, the very virtual Open Skies airline, is gearing up for its next Destination of the Week theme. Following its African Safari theme, Platinum Airways pilots are heading for four exotic Islands in the Sun.

The June theme is a dramatic departure from the previous month’s, when they visited the world’s best game reserves on an African Safari. This month, DOTW will be visiting four exotic Islands in the Sun. The destinations are St-Maarten, Tahiti, Vanuatu and Mayotte.

Princess Juliana airport on St-Maarten in the Netherlands Antilles doesn’t need much of an introduction. The sensational approach of roaring heavies just a few meters above the beach on final has already produced dozens of wonderful videos. Tahiti sounds even more exotic, and so does Continue reading


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