
pree release

LAUSA AIR January 2012 Press Release

It’s been a while since LAUSA AIR has made a press release.  Project Blackbird has been the focus for the last 9 months and is now running as a UK Air Cadet endorsed project teaching Cadets as well as LAUSA AIR Pilots a structured Virtual PPL syllabus online including ground school all within the shared environment on the LAUSA FSX SERVER..   Interested?  More on that later.

With the launch of VAFS 5 and the fact that LAUSA AIR prides itself on originality and is definitely not an imitation VA. Real routes real pilot, always somebody to help you on your virtual journey. A true Anglo-American operation we offer every level of pilot that challenge as well as a friendly TS server and training from true aviation professionals.



Oakland was LAUSA AIRS first hub of operation and has remained an admin and training HUB for LA ever since.  Oakland return in 2012 and has been re-established as LAUSA Air 7 CITY FLYER HQ effective from Feb 2012. All pilots joining LA will be assigned to Oakland, type rated on the Beech 1900D. Qualification on type to CRJ 700 comes after 25hours on the turbo props. Oakland operates regional flights in the states of California, Oregon, Nevada and Continue reading


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