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American Flight Airways Announces X-Plane 11 Default 737-800 and MD-82 Latest Repaints


Last month at Detroit Metro KDTW, American Flight Airways CEO Scott Reed unveiled two default X-Plane 11 models repainted in AFA colors … AFA Atlanta and AFA Latin America CityBird liveries, along with American Flight Airways ‘Mo

dern Livery’ for the MD-82 and Boeing 737-800. AFA’s LCC AlphaJet 738 has also been painted for the newest Flight Simulator – X-Plane 11

American Flight Airways is a major US virtual airline with US hubs in Detroit, Atlanta, Dallas, Phoenix, San Francisco and Washington D.C. with Australia, Canada and Latin America also having regional, domestic and international services.

Alpha Jet is AFA’s LCC flying 737-800 aircraft.

AFA offers pilots a simple, yet realistic approach to virtual aviation with a long, rich history spanning since 1996.


Vortex Virtual Airlines Press Release

Vortex Virtual Airlines has released 5 new repaints as part of its New Year Fleet Review!  It has released a new A319, A320, 737-800, ERJ145 and B1900C repaint to complement its massive fleet based out of Calgary, Miami, Dublin, London, Louisville and Hong Kong.  This is only the beginning of a major fleet update set to finish in January 2012.  In addition, as part of its fleet review Vortex has added the first 3 of tons of new destinations!  So far they have launched new flights to Oakland, Sao Paulo and Washington National and hope to add tons more over the next 2 weeks in Asia, North America, Europe and across the world so keep an eye on the website at for more updates and Sign up today so we can add the Continue reading


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