
Vanture Hawaii

Venture Hawaii Recruiting and Resizing Fleet

Venture Hawaii is proud to announce a new recruiting drive and fleet realignment to gain VATSIM certification and make our VA more appealing to a larger group of pilots.  We have removed several redundant operating divisions and aircraft types we weren’t using and have added a few new types including the Shorts Belfast and will be receiving new CL-44’s in the coming week or two.  In addition to these additions, we will be repainting and uploading the models of these aircraft to our section of our host website in the next couple of weeks.  We are also hoping to finally add repaints of several other models we’ve lacked for a while.

Venture Hawaii is a moderately-sized VA, but our focus is on regional operations with most flight legs being under 3 hours. Our operations are centered on that of a mid- to late-1970′s second-tier airline using mainly classic British and European designs with some American designs mixed in. We have operations based in the Northern US, Southwest US, Alaska, Oceana (Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, Solomon Islands, and Samoan islands), and Europe. We also have a small operation (called Venture Safari) that operates out of Kenya, flying tourists from our European hubs.

If you are interested, please view our information on the Continue reading


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