
Virtual Remote Training System

Garuda Indonesia Virtual – Introducing the Virtual Remote Training System

Garuda Indonesia Virtual announces our first module & practical exam using Virtual Remote Training System (VRTS) which is a brand new system develop by jBussemaker Web Development and we are the first virtual airline using this system, involved on the development project and use it as VA training & exam system. This becomes a role model of how virtual airline should be.  We are not just providing a standard VA facility, but also are providing an aviation education within virtual limits! For several months, we also introduced our virtual Flight Academy page and system, recruiting instructor and restructor the education aspect of Garuda Indonesia Virtual.

The Virtual Remote Training System, or VRTS, is a complete training system built especially for virtual airlines. The VRTS runs separate from the main website, but it heavily linked to it. It uses the VA’s user accounts and trainees won’t even notice that the VRTS is a separate system.

The main feature of the VRTS is the VRTS Live system which allows trainers to track their trainee’s aircraft live via their browsers; they can see the position of the aircraft on a map, along with the positions of the tuned VORs and NDBs, the instruments of the pilot and other data.

These are the other main features of our VA Academy

- Review training sessions in 3D in Google Earth
- Advanced course managing
- Theoretical examination system
- Smooth VA Continue reading


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