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Sky Blue Radio Announces VA Days 2015 Winning Virtual Airline!

Sky Blue RadioSky Blue Radio is pleased to announce our VA Days 2015 winner!  Sky Blue Radio has selected Virtual Airline; Canadian Xpress as the ultimate virtual airline for 2015!  This is the second time Canadian Xpress has won in 3 years!

Canadian Xpress is a Canadian based virtual airline that officially launched on September 4th 2009 and has adopted a free flying policy which means that you are permitted to fly any Canadian Xpress aircraft that is available for your rank, on any route, at any time.  The airline boasts over 230 active pilots with over 140,000 hours of logged flight time!

They support flights on both the VATSIM & IVAO networks and use FSAcars to automatically log flights in order to save you the hassle of manually filing your flight reports.
The Canadian Xpress fleet consists of a wide range of freeware aircraft (FS9, FSX, P3D & XPX) with custom liveries, panels, sounds & flight dynamics that fly as realistically possible (within the constraints of the flight simulator). For every freeware aircraft in our fleet, the Canadian Xpress livery is available for the most popular payware models.

Canadian Xpress is a VATSIM Authorized Training Organization which authorizes them to train, evaluate and issue VATSIM pilot ratings to their pilots. Whether you are new pilot just starting your virtual pilot career and need help getting started or are a seasoned pilot that needs help flying the latest payware aircraft, the online training courses provided can help.

Pilot participation is the key at Canadian Xpress and they encourage this by hosting over 100 events per year including our Monthly Fly-In, VFRiday, Bush League Sunday and their Monthly Photo Contest. They also have our Monthly Challenge, which is a mission based challenge. Pilots get to Continue reading


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