
Announcing a New Combat VA: Joint Strike Force

Joint Strike Force is an online flightsim combat group that flies a variety of aircraft from WW2 to present day. We create various missions within the limits that a flightsim will allow. We use FS2004 and FSX. You can fly these missions online or offline as long as you follow the mission criteria set out for each mission. We are a lightly structured VA and are very friendly to all levels of piloting skills. In addition to the structured missions we allow you to create your own flights using any of the JSF fleet. We use KCARS FREE and have a TS3 dedicated server for you to use. There is no IVAO or VATSIM requirement, that is up to you. There are three specialized categories that you can join: Air Force, Navy and Marines; each have there own airframes and goals.

We at JSF have doors open at the web site so you can see what we are all about, no need to register to gain access, we have nothing to hide. Please read the crew guide. All we ask from you is that you fly one flight a month, be over 18, have Kcars and TS3.

So please check out our JSF web site at:

Roy Elliman Chief of Staff
Chuck Mays Joint chief of Staff


One Response to Announcing a New Combat VA: Joint Strike Force

  • doeke brouwer says:

    I cannot get into your website for more info?
    could we fly with F/A18 hornet and is there someone who could teach me to fly this bird?
    I am european is there also online possibilities zulu time plus 1 hour
    kind regards

    doeke brouwer

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