
FlyBlue Airways to Postpone Grand Opening

Just recently in, the CEO of FlyBlue Airways came out for a press release and informed VAFlash reporters that there has been a delay in the start of operations at FlyBlue because of events that have taken over his time.

“I just wanted to inform everyone that the grand opening of FlyBlue has been postponed intill further notice due a family death that has been consuming my time. I would like to take the time to thank everyone who has been there along the way, and who have gave me support, ” CEO Tyler reported.

He also informed reporters on the progress at FlyBlue and the situations going on with its aircrafts. “Even though this is very hard for me, I am now aiming for a Mid-May opening. Progress isn’t going as fast as I would have liked it to, but we are getting there. The status on our fleet is two more Boeing 737-800′s have arrived and have been shipped to the hangar for a fresh coat of paint.”

“[I would] like to thank you for the support you have provided, ” CEO Tyler said.


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