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New Navy Based Military VA Opens

A new Royal Navy based Military VA has opened up and is actively recruiting new members for its Active Squadrons.

Fleet Air Arm Simulation is based on the Operations of the Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm, and offers its members a variety of aircraft and roles to fly in an effort to replicate their real world counterparts.

A full training course is offered to all new members not experienced in military operations or more specifically naval military operations. The training is done by in house QFI’s all with excellent flight simulator experience, and in some cases real world flight experience.

FAAsim offers its members use of a private dedicated UK based flight server and teamspeak server, hours and flights are logged on their custom built website.

As per the Real World Navy FAAsim follows a similar rank structutre to allow Pilots to progress in the organisation, and achieve awards and ranks as they go. For the right candidates staff, command and teaching positions will be offered to them as they progress.

FAAsim looks towards a bright future with a already stong relationship with the well established RAF Simulation allowing for joint operations, open evenings and fun/themed nights to be held for Pilots to integrate into a wider communtiy and hopefully operate in more realistic environments during joint operations.

For further details, or information of becoming part of the UK’s newest Military VA visit


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