
UASO Constellation Satellite Launch Notification

Mission Overview

Constellation-1 is the first mission of the Constellation Program and the second launch of the Titan-34D launch vehicle. This mission will also serve as the first operational test of the complete Titan-34 launch vehicle stack which will include the Centaur-D uppersage that will be used in the future to launch payloads to earth orbit or on lunar and/or interplanetary voyages. For the Constellation program, the Centaur-D will be the upperstage of choice to launch all 27 GPS/Telecommunication satellites into various orbits.

Following the end of the C1 mission, all telemetry data will be studied and reviewed, and once deemed satisfactory, the first Constellation GPS and telecommunications satellite will be handed over to the Constellation mission control operations center for monitoring.

Support Facilities and Logistics

Production and Manufacturing

The Titan-34D production factory is located in Denver, Colorado by the Martin Marietta Corporation (now known as Lockheed Martin). This facility has the capability of producing 40 Titan launch vehicles per year.

Launch Preparation and Launch Facilities

Upon completion of each Titan-34D stack, it will be ferried over to Cape Canaveral Air Force Station – Launch Complex 40 for preparation and launch. Titan vehicle processing is accomplished at the Titan Integrate, Transfer, and Launch (ITL) facility, a complex designed with a number of advantages over other launch systems, including quick reaction time, vehicle modifications, and vehicle launch rates. This facility eliminates the necessity for vehicles to occupy the launch pad for long time periods before launch. The ITL consists of the vertical integration building (VIB), the solid rocket motor assembly building (SMAB), solid motor assembly and readiness building (SMARF), the tank car holding area (TCHA), the motor inert storage building (MISB), and receiving areas, and Launch Complexes 40 and 41. The complexes are designed for a “high” launch rate and are believed that a launch rate of 18 to 20 Titan-34D missions per year is technically achievable at CCAFS if the above areas are worked extensively.

Launch Vehicle and Payload Transport

Titan-34D logistics including spacecraft, launch vehicle stages and components, tracking systems, supplies, and personnel in support of planned, ongoing, or complete spaceflight missions will be handled by the UASO’s Flight Research Division. All logistics necessities to support all Titan-34D missions will be communicated between appointed UASO liaisons.

Mission Review in Brief

As stated in the aforementioned, the Constellation-1 mission will launch the first GPS/Telecommunications satellite in the planned Constellation satellite system. Preparation and launch of the Titan-34D will be responsibility of the launch crew. Following the successful completion of the mission, all telemetry data and satellite information will be reviewed and the satellite will be handed over to the Constellation Mission Control Operations Center located at the Oberth Unmanned Systems Research Center in Cleveland, Ohio.

Mission Timeline (Daily View)

December 30 & 31 – Titan-34D SRM’s and core stages and Boeing 702 bus GPS satellite transport to CCAFS – Launch Complex 40

January 12 – Titan-34D launch vehicle processing complete

January 13 – Constellation-1 Titan-34D stack roll-out to Launch Complex 40 launch pad

January 20 – Launch of Constellation-1

January 21 – Completion of Constellation-1 mission

For more information, please visit the UASO web site at


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