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Coastal Horizons Virtual Airways Opens

Las Vegas, NV- Coastal Horizons Virtual Airways (CHZ) has just launched as of February 20th and is currently accepting applications in preparation for its domestic and soon-to-be international flying. Pilots with experience on the Airbus A320-series aircraft and the Boeing 757 are desired, however pilots of all experience levels are warmly welcomed. Aviation enthusiasts from all ends of the spectrum and invited to become a part of CHZ and help us grow.

CHZ is currently looking for ambitious and qualified individuals to fill several key roles within the airline. Current flight and operational staff positions include:

  • Flight Crew – Virtual pilots with experience on the Airbus A320 series of aircraft and the Boeing 757. There is no hour requirement or prerequisite for flying with Coastal Horizons, and pilots of all experience levels are welcome. We will transfer 90% of previous VA hours, with the 10% reduction representing retraining and familiarization hours.
  • Director of Base Operations (Chief Pilot), Las Vegas Base – Oversees daily operations of his/her respective base in coordinating pilot flying, performance, and staffing. Acts as a liaison between the crew base and management and handles situations and concerns of the crew base with professionalism and integrity.
  • Director of Operations and Logistics – The Director of Operations and Logistics position is responsible for overseeing daily operations of the airline which includes but is not limited to: developing current and future routes, forecasting passenger load and demand, and tailoring the operations of the airline for optimum revenue yield.
  • Director of Fleet Services – Responsible for managing current fleet in all aspects, including paint, liveries, and maintenance oversight. Aid in key decisions regarding airline expansion and its necessary aircraft acquisitions, leases, and ownerships.
  • Facilities Manager – The facilities manager is responsible for developing custom scenery showcasing Coastal Horizons facilities and terminals among other duties.

Coastal Horizons is looking to expand onto the VATSIM network, and VATSIM members are encouraged to join and become a part of our VATSIM Start-up Committee, and help us break onto the VATSIM radar! The committee will be responsible for developing policies, procedures, and best practices for joining VATSIM as a new airline.

Those interested should apply at or e-mail

A little about Coastal Horizons:
Coastal Horizons is a Las Vegas based virtual airline with plans to serve the continental US, Hawaii, Canada, Mexico, Europe, and add new destinations weekly. With future bases planned in Miami and Washington-Dulles, Coastal Horizons hopes to be the virtual airline that not only promotes realistic simulation of airline operations but the virtual airline that supports the growth, community, and entertainment of flight simulator enthusiasts world-wide. Our proprietary system interfaces with the VAFS (Virtual Airline Financial Systems) network providing a level of realism that is emerging in the Virtual Airline industry. This allows us to not only compete and coordinate with other airlines, but also be a part of this vast and ever-expanding network of virtual air travel.

We operate a state-of-the-art fleet of Airbus aircraft such as the A319, 320, 321, and Boeing 757 aircraft. As our plans for success and the growth of our airline continues, we are continuously reviewing our business and operational needs and are in the development of plans for an additional fleet of wide-body aircraft such as the Airbus A330 with our European destinations just on the Horizon.

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