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Tarom Virtual Airline Seeking to Hire Chief Training Pilots

TAROM Virtual Airlines is the only VA that mimics the Romanian carriers operations thru-out Europe and the Middle East. With the fleet: A310, A318, B733, B737, B738, AT5, AT7. We are hiring motivated and qualified individuals to join our team.

Training Chief Pilots Duties

  • to formulate an Operations News System that will keep all Operations personnel informed of current activities or changes.
  • is in charge of the standards of flight checks and training and monitor all flight checks being done.
  • is in charge of writing training manuals/materialsto coordinate with the CEO to organize online training sessions on VATSIM, with ATC
  • to guide pilots through the first steps to fly online on VATSIM
  • to help pilots with the FS ACARS
  • to report to the HR director any behaviour problems of the pilots


  • Be at least 16 years old
  •  Good english knowledge
  •  Be motivated and have patience
  •  Be an open minded person
  •  Have a good knowledge and experience on one of the aicrafts from the fleet
  •  Commitment, Flexibility, good humour
  •  Basic knowledge of aerodynamics, meteorology, navigation, ATC communications, flight planning and performances
  •  Having real flying experience is a plus but not mandatory

Interested persons send an application to with the following: 

  1. Real Name
  2.  Age
  3.  Location
  4.  Occupation and Hobbies
  6.  Previous flying experience(verified on vataware or on any other VA website). State for which airacraft do you apply.
  7.  How do you think you can help the VA to grow and some plans that you’ll apply as a Training Chief Pilot
  8.  A short description of the applicant and why do you want to take this position

All applications will be reviewed by the CEO and HR Director, only successful applications will be replied and then you’ll have to pass a test(basic questions of aerodynamics, meteorology, navigation, ATC communications, flight planning and performances, aircraft general knowledge)

We thank you for your interest and good luck everyone.


CEO TAROM Virtual Airlines


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