
Air Fresno Reopens

This month marks the reopening of a virtual airline icon; Air Fresno Virtual Airlines has decided to put it’s airlines webpage back up to satisfy the requests of some of it’s former pilots. Since 1997 the airline has been on the lips of many in the hobby, when it opened in March of 1998 it set many standards. Air Fresno CEO Peter McKay was awarded the VANF’s Pilot of the Year 10 years ago, and the airline garnered many awards in the infancy of this hobby. Over the years however, as airlines modernized Air Fresno choose to stay with what worked for them; the hands on approach. In it’s reopening on the CEO’s 50th birthday on March 12th it establishes itself as a Legacy airline, one that does not actively seek new pilots but exists for the pleasure of those who have flown for it over the last dozen years. Pilots that have not flown for the airline may join it’s ranks with the recommendation of a member on the active roster. The airline is even modernizing it’s original FS98 fleet with contemporary flight models as part of it’s Legacy Fleet. You can visit Air Fresno at, a domain name it has held since November, 1997.


One Response to Air Fresno Reopens

  • Colin MacKay says:

    Outstanding! Here’s an airline that has weathered the tests of time and remains as it was half my life ago. I enjoyed Air Fresno as a pilot before, I shall again!

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