
Malaysia Virtual Now Hiring

Malaysia Virtual Airlines is now hiring staff!   The following positions are available:

Chief of Operations                      Hub managers
Vice CEO                                       Director of Technologies
Human Resources Manager           Assistant HR Manager
Assitant Hub Managers                 Head of Training
Assistant Training Manager

Here is a break down of the requirements for each:
Chief of Operations
- able to devote a minimum of 4 hours a week to MVA
- Knowledge of PHPVMS
- able to find the schedules for Malaysia Airlines, MASKargo, Firefly
- must file four pireps a month minimum.
- active in the forums

Hub managers
- able to devote a minimum of 4 hours a week to MVA
- knowledge of the hub you are assigned to
- must file a minimum of 4 pireps a month
- active in the forums

Assistant hub managers
- able to devote a minimum of 4 hours to MVA
- constant contact with the hub managers and head staff
- must file a minimum of 4 pireps a month
- active in the forums
- knowledge of the hub you are assigned to

Vice CEO
- able to devote a minimum of 5 hours a week to MVA
- knowledge of PHPVMS
- must file a minimum of 4 pireps a month
- must have MSN and/or skype
- active in the forums

Director of Technologies
- able to devote 4 hours a week to MVA
- knowledge of php
- knowledge of sql
- knowledge of phpvms
- knowledge of the acars programs we use ( fsacars,xacars,FSPAX,FSFK)
- must file a minimum of 4 pireps a month
- have MSN and/or Skype
- active in the forums

Head of Human Resources
- able to devote a minimum of 4 hours a week to MVA
- knowledge of phpvms
- must file a minimum of 4 pireps a month
- active in the forums
- friendly towards others
- able to work with others

Assistant HR manager
- able to devote a minimum of 4hours a week to MVA
- knowledge of phpvms
- able to work with the head of HR
- must file a minimum of 4 pireps a month
- active in the forums

Head of Training
- able to devote a minimum of 4hours a week to MVA
- knowledge of flight ops
- knowledge of the aircraft used by Malaysia Airlines, MASKargo and Firefly
- must file a minimum of 4 pireps a month
- active in the forums
- knowledge of online flying with Vatsim, IVAO and/or other flight networks

Assistant Training Manager
- able to devote a minimum of 4 hours a week to MVA
- knowledge of flight ops
- knowledge of the aircraft used by Malaysia Airlines, MASKargo and Firefly
- knowledge of online flying with Vatsim, IVAO and/or other flight networks
- must file a minimum of 4 pireps a month
- active in the forums

Events Manager
-Able to devote a minimum of 4 hours a week to MVA
-knowledge of vatsim and IVAO
-must file a minimum of 4 pireps a month
-active in forums
-Creative thinking essential

To apply for any of these positions please send an email to admin[at]malaysiava[dot]org with the subject line of Staff application. You can also join as a normal pilot if you do not want any staff position at Malaysia Virtual Airlines.

You can find MVA at:

About Malaysia Virtual Airlines:

MVA stands for Malaysia Virtual Airlines.

MVA was started back in 2004 and had a great start, we even exihibted at an Flight sim Show at Birmingham UK, and had a few people join us.  But soon after things went down and MVA was put on hold, and now we have started a new fictional VA which is still operating.  We now have returned and have a better site then the previous one and a proper domain name.  We offer a friendly enviroment for all pilots of all skill levels, and offer an enviroment were people can learn from one another.  Please join the forum as that is one of the best places to find help on matters regarding FS or MVA’s operations.  Also you can get in contact with any member of staff on the forum.  We want to give you the freeedom to expand your knowledge of FS and flying and of the operations of MAS.


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