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Gestricia News – January 2010

Gestricia will during next week introduce operations with a Cessna Citation X based at ESSB-Stockholm Bromma. 

Technical base will still be ESSK where the Citation II will be based.

The Citation X opens for long-haul flights which have been harder to conduct using the Citation II.

Staff vacancies
Currently Gestricia needs two staff members. COO, Chief Operating Officer and a CDO, Chief Dispatch Officer. 

As COO your duties will be to help the CEO with the daily work on the company and give your help and opinions 

in further development of Gestricia. The requirments are:

  • General knowledge in virtual aviation and .
  • Skills in using Microsoft word or equivalent.
  • Fluent in english or/and swedish.
  • Be able to communicate with the other staff-members using skype.
  • Knowledge in phpVMS systems will be meritorius.

 As CDO your duties will be to add requested flights to the system and accept pireps. You will also act as an helping hand giving your opinions and ideas to the further development of Gestricia. The requirments are:

  • General knowledge in virtual aviation.
  • Skills in using Microsoft word or equivalent.
  • Fluent in english or/and swedish.
  • Be able to communicate with the other staff-members using skype.
  • Knowledge in phpVMS systems will be meritorius.

 Send your application to

Pilot news
There is still a great need for pilots so don’t hesitate to send in your application. See below for requirements.

  • Be fluent in either English or Swedish.
  • Have at least 50h logged at IVAO as pilot. ( Less than 50h? You can still be accepted if we found your application interesting)
  • Own a legal copy of Flight Simulator 2004 or Flight Simulator X.
  • Own a legal copy of a Citation II or Citation X add-on.

As for now the aircrafts in use is the Cessna Citation II/SP and the Cessna Citaiton X. However if you feel that you are interested in flying another aircraft or you already own a copy of any other “well worth the money add-on” please send us your request and we will consider further investments in that aircraft type.

Please visit for more information.


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