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Strategic Air Mobility Command Announces Recruitment Drive

SAMC is holding an open house for new recruits. Recent restructuring of two commands has led to a very successful program and active program that has taken us from a VA Central rating of 76 to 54 as of this writing. SAMC is a US Air Force Simulation built around the Air Mobility Command. SAMC Supports full time pilots and Air National Guard units. ANG, is basically for those who are restricted to weekends do to other VA Commitments.

If you are interested in supplementing your commercial flying our doors are open to the public. We don’t hide anything, you may view the entire site, all tabs are open.

Link to our Crew Guide:

Link to our News Paper:

Link to our Uniform Jackets (Typical member):

Link to our Video’s:

There is so much SAMC has to offer that it is not possible to list them in this writing. You won’t find a stiff hierarchical organization here. We do have people “in charge” but their role is more to help the other pilots, keep the website and stuff working and to keep what we call “the game” on track. Pilots will also have ranks awarded to them. These ranks are solely meant as a means of tracking your progress. They do not represent any sort of authority. There is no VATSIM requirement mainly because VATSIM forbids flying in a war zone and most of our mission based activity is in the Mid East and North Africa.

SAMC has a mission based program that is second to none. We have free flight mode (Charter) for casual flying. There are no schedules as we are not a commercial carrier. We land on strips in the boondoggles that are as short as 3000ft in heavy transports. You ever see a C-17 make a combat landing?

The Staff and crew are top notch, willing to help anyone having issues with setting up Kacars, aircraft or related issues via Teamspeak, Team Viewer, email and forums. We do not support social media as facebook, twitter as we are about flying not chatting.

Stop by and pay us a look see, you got nothing to looses except a couple minutes. We do have an a minimum age requirement of 18 as we are predominantly retired service Vets from all branches of the armed forces, most are USAF, USN and USMC vets.

You won’t find a better group of gentlemen. Meaning collectively as we all know each other personally within the virtual aviation world, we spend time sharing on TS. I run two commercial VA’s where members have no contact with one in other and I find this in most commercial VA’s.

Stop by, I will keep the lights on and coffee brewing.

Gen. David Zaleski
Chairman to the Joint Chiefs


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