
Sky Blue Radio Turns Five!

Sky Blue Radio is blowing out the candles for the big five! Five years ago, May 13th, Sky Blue Radio took to the internet airwaves beginning a tradition of excellence in flight simulation news and entertainment.

As a big thank you to our listeners Sky Blue Radio is going to party, party and burn it to the ground with wall to wall DJ’s all weekend long starting May 11th, 2012. And it wouldn’t be a Birthday Party unless we had presents! Gifts for our Sky Blue Radio listeners; as a thank you for tuning in for five years. Generous contributions from Sign Zeppelin, Flight1, vRoute, Captain Sim, Blue Print Simulations, FS Add ons, Aerosoft, PilotEdge, Wilco Publishing, Flightsim Labs, Go Flight, and Computer Pilot.

Tune into Sky Blue Radio all this week to listen for and identify the first tune aired on Sky Blue Radio those five years ago. Send the title, the artist along with your name, address, email and any other contact information to You could win a fabulous gift courtesy of Sky Blue Radio.

Sky Blue Radio broadcasts 24/7 around the world. Listeners can tune in to Sky Blue Radio by accessing our web site at Listeners may also tune in via their com 2 radios on 123.45 with our Wee Tune Beastie application available for download on our web site. We are now available via Black Berry or iPhone through; Android listeners can access Sky Blue Radio by downloading Retro Radio, then search for Sky Blue Radio.


One Response to Sky Blue Radio Turns Five!

  • admin says:

    Congratulations to JT and the entire Sky Blue Radio staff!! I’m proud to have been a Sky Blue DJ way back when it started to just a couple years ago. I hope to return to the air some day!! Happy Birthday guys/gals !!

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