
EIN Virtual – New Irish VA Launches

We are delighted to announce the launch of a new Virtual Airline based out of Ireland. EIN Virtual, is Ireland’s Premier VA operating a fleet of A320 family aircraft and A330s from Belfast, Cork, Shannon, Dublin and a lone A330 from Washington. We also have a Regional branch of ATRs for pilots looking for shorter hops, and a legacy fleet with aircraft as old as the 707, 737 classics, BAC 111, BAE 146 and even the infamous “Iolar” De-Havilland Dragon, so there really is something to suit all tastes.

EIN Virtual serves destinations across Europe as well as Trans-Atlantic services to Boston, New York, Chicago and Orlando. EIN Virtual operates from 5 bases, 4 on the island of Ireland (Dublin, Cork, Shannon and Belfast Aldergrove) and one in Washington Dulles operating a code-share to Madrid.

We provide a professional and realistic environment for our pilots. We operate real-world routes with real-world call-signs on all our flights. All our schedules are also up to date with real-world operations.

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