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CityLink Newsletter for Winter 2015 now available

Citylink-Newsletter-Winter-CityLink would like to announce that their news letter for Winter of 2015 is now available via the Citylink Newsstand (shop). They would also like to announce that they’ve added a mobile version of the newsletter for viewing on tablets and cell phones.

It’s also possible to download a real PDF from the main newsletter for printing.

Content of the Winter 2015 Edition:

  1. Introtext of the the President
  2. Staffmeetings
  3. Where do we park our planes
  4. Personnel
  5. Testing, Tips and Tricks
  6. New Livery
  7. The Vintage Group
  8. Website changes
  9. Baseline and futureplans
  10. Statistics and figures
  11. Open staff positions
  12. Public Relations
  13. Thank you

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