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Canadian Xpress December Fly-In: Northern Christmas

Canadian Xpress® would like to invite all pilots to join us for our December Fly-In where we celebrate a Northern Christmas by flying up near the north pole, the home of Santa Claus and Christmas.

Departing from Resolute Bay (CYRB) which is near the North Pole in the Northwest Territories, we will bring toys, gifts and happy elves to Inuvik (CYEV) which is west of the Mackenzie River Delta.

This is an open invitation to all pilots Continue reading


Canadian Xpress VFRiday – The 401 Part III Tonight

Canadian Xpress VFRiday® is our weekly informal event where every Friday at 21h00edt (01h00z), we fly to a different location rotating between North America one month and elsewhere in the world another. Continue reading


Canadian Xpress Event – VFRiday – The 401 Part I

Canadian Xpress VFRiday® is our weekly informal event where every Friday at 21h00edt (01h00z), we fly to a different location rotating between North America one month and elsewhere in the world another. Continue reading


Eastern Airlines Virtual Announces European Tour

Eastern Airlines Virtual is proud to announce its European Tour.

As part of our ‘Getaway Tours,’ Eastern is now offering a tour of Europe with over 40 European destinations and over 15,000 miles of travel. An itinerary like this will tax even the most seasoned pilot. If you have what it takes, check out our Getaway Tours at Eastern. If Europe isn’t your taste, check out our other Getaway Tours such as South America, the Caribbean, and Canada.

Other great benefits include:

* Over 10 HUBS in the USA and Europe
* Many Great Destinations
* New Paint Schemes
* Over 11 years of successful operations Continue reading


The Real Heathrow Event – Not one to miss!

Fly UK VA in Cooperation with IVAO UK brings you the UK’s busiest airport, and the world’s busiest international airport, fully staffed on the 17th April, with some of the best controllers in the FS community.

From 1300z-1900z (1400 BST-2000 BST) Heathrow will have Continue reading


Canadian Xpress February Fly-In: Vancouver 2010 Olympics

The 21st Winter Olympics will be held on February 12–28, 2010 in the province of British Columbia, Canada. Canadian Xpress® would like to invite all pilots to join us on Friday February 12th where we help launch the opening ceremonies.

Departing from Saskatoon (CYXE), we will make a brief stop in Calgary (CYYC) and then on to bring cheering fans to Vancouver (CYVR).

This is an open invitation to all pilots no matter what your flying experience to attend this Canadian Xpress® sponsored event that will be flown on the Vatsim network.  Continue reading


American Airways Announces Vatsim Event

American Airways is hosting New York to Chicago on VATSIM December 29 at 10am PST!! All American Airways pilots that fly will get 2000v$ for this flight!!! So sign up to day, please RSVP by sending a e-mail to! Thanks

-American Airways Management!
Ada Erzurumlu
CEO of American Airways


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