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FS In Focus

Sky Blue Radio – FS In Focus Show Welcomes Pete Wright (Froogle) and Dave Pascoe! (Owner of

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Sky Blue Radio presents a new and exciting edition of FS InFocus, when host DJ RotoMoto and co-host Captain Crunch welcomes Pete Wright and Dave Pascoe on November 14th at 1800 Zulu!

Pete Wright, aka Froogle, is a long time contributor to PC Pilot magazine and the founder of Frooglesim on Youtube ( Frooglesim is the most popular hardcore simulation channel on YouTube providing deep dive tutorials on how to marry real world techniques and procedures to desktop simulators and add-ons.

Pete is also the developer behind tapCheck, the spoken checklist app for iPhone and the author of more than a dozen best selling books on software development. A native of London, Froogle now lives just outside Orlando, Florida with his wife and kids, and two dogs named Mac and Tosh.

Dave Pascoe is the Founder & Owner of, an Instrument-rated Private Pilot and avid supporter of General Aviation.  Dave’s eclectic background includes RF, network, security and systems Continue reading


Sky Blue Radio FS In Focus Show Welcomes VATSIM! (Tune in October 10th, 1800Zulu)

fsif oct 2015Sky Blue Radio presents a new and exciting edition of FS InFocus, when host DJ RotoMoto and co-host Captain Crunch welcomes Mark Richards and Roger Curtiss from Virtual Air Traffic Simulation Network (VATSIM) on October 10th at 1800 Zulu!  We will also be featuring a special guest from World Flight Group.

Mark Richards is Chairman of VATSIM’s Executive Committee which comprises of 5 other Regional members from across the globe.  The VATSIM Executive Committee (EC) is responsible for the operations of the VATSIM Network virtual airspace around the world.

Mark has been a member of VATSIM, and its predecessor SATCO, since 1996, joining in the very early days. He was one of the Founders of SATPAC (later VATPAC), the Australian and Pacific Division and was the first Division Director of Continue reading


Sky Blue Radio – FS In Focus Show Welcomes ELITE Sim Centers!

ad_banner_smallSky Blue Radio presents a new and exciting edition of FS InFocus, when host DJ Roto Moto and co-host Tom Mathieu welcomes Lauren Brown from ELITE Sim Centers on September 12th at 1800 Zulu!

Lauren Brown is a Commercial-Instrument Airplane pilot who has been flying since the age of 15 in Central Florida. She has been with ELITE Simulation Solutions for 2 years and in that time helped with the creation of ELITE Sim Centers; which she now operates full time as Executive Director. Lauren also leads courses on a variety of advanced avionics, ATC communication, Foreflight, and FAA written exam prep; and intends to Continue reading


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