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Garuda Indonesia Virtual

Garuda Indonesia Virtual – Introducing the Virtual Remote Training System

Garuda Indonesia Virtual announces our first module & practical exam using Virtual Remote Training System (VRTS) which is a brand new system develop by jBussemaker Web Development and we are the first virtual airline using this system, involved on the development project and use it as VA training & exam system. This becomes a role model of how virtual airline should be.  We are not just providing a standard VA facility, but also are providing an aviation education within virtual limits! For several months, we also introduced our virtual Flight Academy page and system, recruiting instructor and restructor the education aspect of Garuda Indonesia Virtual.

The Virtual Remote Training System, or VRTS, is a complete training system built especially for virtual airlines. The VRTS runs separate from the main website, but it heavily linked to it. It uses the VA’s user accounts and trainees won’t even notice that the VRTS is a separate system.

The main feature of the VRTS is the VRTS Live system which allows trainers to track their trainee’s aircraft live via their browsers; they can see the position of the aircraft on a map, along with the positions of the tuned VORs and NDBs, the instruments of the pilot and other data.

These are the other main features of our VA Academy

- Review training sessions in 3D in Google Earth
- Advanced course managing
- Theoretical examination system
- Smooth VA Continue reading


Introducing Garuda Indonesia Virtual

Garuda Indonesia Virtual (GIV) is a Virtual Airline Only for FS2004 (FS9) or FSX platform user & we are not affiliate with real world Garuda Indonesia. Simulated real national airlines operating in Indonesia. Our philosophy is to ensure the realism as much as possible within the limits of Flight Simulator aspect. Created by simmer and real pilot who wants to create a new federative community, real and virtual pilots. This community was intend & created to fill the gap between real world and virtual aviation airlines, as well as simulate airlines flight operation in Indonesia. But that’s just the beginning of many other features we have.We also create a fun environment to learn, exchange and fly!

Between 2011 – 2013, Garuda Indonesia Virtual maintain their position as a leading virtual airline in Indonesia & Asia with  more than 300 pilots, of which 95% active, more than 35.000 flights & 5.425.934 hours logged. Several major improvement has been implement with a very details statistic as you can access in here

- Modern airline fleet.
- Entry Exam System.
- GIV ACARs system.
- GIV Manual Validation System (MPS)
- GIV Aircraft Type Rating Restriction.
- GIV Aircraft Loadsheet system.
- Virtual Remote Training System (VRTS)
- Detail & accurate Continue reading


Garuda Indonesia Virtual adds three new B737 Series to Fleet

Garuda Indonesia Virtual welcomed its 48th new B737-800NG which is also the 123rd B737 series aircraft delivered to Garuda Indonesia Virtual.

The new B738-800NG aircraft is furnished with “Boeing Sky Interior” technology which is the latest lighting fixture from Boeing. As with the new aircraft already in Garuda’s possession, the new fleet addition also comes with State-of- the- art in-flight entertainment or an Audio & Video on Demand (AVOD)” in every seat.

The acquisition of B737-800NG is part of the fleet development and revitalization program being carried out by the airline to modernize its fleet. The “Quantum Leap” program calls for the fleet to grow from the existing 89 aircraft to 154 aircraft by the year 2015. The new additions will consist of B737-800NG for Continue reading


Garuda Indonesia Virtual Announces Hajj Flights

Garuda Indonesia has deployed 15 large aircraft to transport Indonesian Hajj pilgrims. Garuda Indonesia virtual is deploying 15 of its largest planes to fly more than 114,000 hajj pilgrims to Saudi Arabia.

A fleet of: six Airbus A330-300s, four Boeing 747s and five Boeing 767-300ER would carry the pilgrims on 302 flights, leaving Indonesia from 10 airports.

If you already GIV member, you can find the schedule at “Garuda Indonesia Hajj Flight Timetable”.

Feel free to fly Indonesia, fly Garuda Indonesia Virtual.

Check out Garuda Indonesia Virtual at :


Garuda Indonesia Virtual Opens

Garuda Indonesia Virtual released! Garuda Indonesia Virtual (GIV) is a virtual airline only for FS2004 or FSX platform user. Simulated real national airlines operating in Indonesia. Our philosophy is to ensure the realism as much as possible within the limits of Flight Simulator aspect. Created by simmer and real pilot who wants to create a new federative community, real and virtual pilots. This community was intend & created to fill the gap between real world and virtual aviation airlines, as well as simulate airlines flight operation in Indonesia. But that’s just the beginning of many other features we have.We also create a fun environment to learn, exchange and fly!

We use the Integrated PIREP System (IPS) to re-create the real world Garuda Indonesia Airline schedules which operates services across Asia, South West , Middle East and Europe. Using our modern airline fleet and Continue reading


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