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Pioneer Virtual Airlines

Pioneer Virtual Airlines Announces Reorganization


Triggered by the current number of inactive pilots Pioneer Virtual Airlines has decided on a reorganization plan.
The current number of active pilots warrants a good look at the current structure of the VA.
The most important change is that Pioneer VA will be an AirHauler 2 virtual Airline for FSX pilots. AirHauler 2 will be an integral part of the airline for FSX pilots. Pilots will be able to join and fly for Pioneer VA without AirHauler2 but for the complete experience when flying in FSX AirHauler 2 is advised.
For FS9 FSPassenger and AirHauler are advised. This change will influence ranks and Continue reading


Introducing Pioneer Virtual Airlines


Pioneer Virtual Airlines was established in 2013 out of love for propliners.

Pioneer Virtual Airlines flies piston-engined and turboprop transport aircraft in FS9 and FSX/P3D on routes spanning the globe.  We do so as professional as possible in flight simulation but in a relaxed setting. We are in it for the fun of flying!

Pioneer Virtual Airlines provides passenger and cargo services all over the world. We do not use the hub and spoke model typically in use by modern airlines but we fly according to the point-to-point model used in an earlier era.

To complement the passenger and cargo services Pioneer also provides special services such as Continue reading


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