
Sky Blue Radio


Sky Blue Radio will be celebrating “VA Days 2014” the third weekend in February on the 21st, 22nd, 23rd and 24th.

That weekend Virtual Airlines will have the opportunity to promote and advertise their organization at no cost on Sky Blue Radio and have the opportunity to win one year of free advertising if selected as the Sky Blue Radio “Virtual Airline of the Year”!  The total value of the advertising for the VA Days Virtual Airline of the Year exceeds $4,000!

Each Virtual Airline who enters before the deadline will be allotted a 30 second audio spot to air all weekend on Sky Blue Radio during the promotion. We will also include banner placement for your VA on our website.  Submit your entries now!  Space is limited!  Entry period is open now!

Then on March 1, 2014, Sky Blue Radio will select and award the “Sky Blue Radio Virtual Airline of the Year”!

Airlines must submit their entries no later than February 18th 2014 to

If your Virtual Airline requires or requests that Sky Blue Radio produce your on-air audio ad promo, your VA must submit text copy of the advertisement to Sky Blue Radio to no later than February 15th, 2014.

To be considered for Sky Blue Radios Virtual Airline of Continue reading



Sky Blue Radio presents another exciting edition of FS InFocus, when Lou “Scruffy” Botteon and Tom “Captain Crunch” Mathieu welcome blues musician and FS Cockpit builder, Will Tucker  and Tony Verela and John from Go Flight Technologies!

On March 23rd, at 1800 Zulu, “Scruffy” and “Captain Crunch” will discuss a variety of topics related to building home simulator cockpits and the latest technologies available! We will also be on location in Hartford Connecticut LIVE at Flight Sim Con 2013 during the show so expect a few surprise guests as  well!

Be sure to tune in on March 23rd, at 1800 Zulu for Sky Blue Radio’s FS Infocus!

FS InFocus is a monthly talk show on Sky Blue Radio. Sky Blue Radio broadcasts 24/7 around the world. Listeners can tune in to Sky Blue Radio by accessing our website at Listeners may also tune in via their com 2 radios on 123.45 with our Free Wee Tune Beastie application available for download on our website. We are available via Black Berry, Android or iPhone phones through the TuneIn Application.

Sky Blue Radio – Sounding great at any altitude


Sky Blue Radio VA Days – Featuring FREE! Advertising for Virtual Airlines

Sky Blue Radio will be celebrating VA Days the third weekend in February on the 15th, 16th and 17th, 2013. That weekend Virtual Airlines (VA’s) will have the opportunity to promote their airlines for FREE on Sky Blue Radio and can enter to win one year of advertising if selected as the Sky Blue Radio Virtual Airline of the Year!

Airlines must submit their intentions no later than February 12th 2013.

If Virtual Airlines want Sky Blue Radio to produce their on-air promotional ads, they must notify us no later than February 10th, 2013.

To be considered for Sky Blue Radios Virtual Airline of the Year:

* VA’s must submit a one page summary of what makes their VA unique, community within flight simulation.
* VA’s do not have to be affiliated with any online network.
* Each summary will be evaluated by our panel of judges with a winner selected from the submissions. Submissions must be made no later than February 12th, 2013.

This opportunity is open to all Virtual Airlines; however space is limited so please get the word out to your Virtual Airline Managers as soon as possible!

Please submit your application to

Keep updated with VA Days at: Continue reading



Wee Tune Beastie, the long lived applet that allows listeners to listen to Sky Blue Radio has received its latest and greatest update yet!

Latest and greatest additions to Wee Tune Beastie version 3.2 include:
• Improved performance
• Larger Quick Com display
• Redesigned User Interface (Graphics, size, and placements)
• Improved DJ schedule
• Addition Simulation Resource links
• One button operation for Flight Simulation Integration, settings and Misc operations
• Improved Audio
• Switchable skin colors
• Misc internal improvements

To get your copy of this free stand-alone application visit

Sky Blue Radio broadcasts 24/7 around the world. Listeners can tune in to Sky Blue Radio by accessing our website at Listeners may also tune in via their com 2 radios on 123.45 with our Wee Tune Beastie application available for download on our website. We are now available via Black Berry or iPhone through; Android listeners can access Sky Blue Radio by downloading the Sky Blue Radio application from Google Play.


Sky Blue Radio Turns Five!

Sky Blue Radio is blowing out the candles for the big five! Five years ago, May 13th, Sky Blue Radio took to the internet airwaves beginning a tradition of excellence in flight simulation news and entertainment.

As a big thank you to our listeners Sky Blue Radio is going to party, party and burn it to the ground with wall to wall DJ’s all weekend long starting May 11th, 2012. And it wouldn’t be a Birthday Party unless we had presents! Gifts for our Sky Blue Radio listeners; as a thank you for tuning in for five years. Generous contributions from Sign Zeppelin, Flight1, vRoute, Captain Sim, Blue Print Simulations, FS Add ons, Aerosoft, PilotEdge, Wilco Publishing, Flightsim Labs, Go Flight, and Computer Pilot.

Tune into Sky Blue Radio all this week to listen for and identify the first tune aired on Sky Blue Radio those five years ago. Send the title, the artist along with your name, address, email and any other contact information to You could win a fabulous gift courtesy of Sky Blue Radio.

Sky Blue Radio broadcasts 24/7 around the world. Listeners can tune in to Sky Blue Radio by accessing our web site at Listeners may also tune in via their com 2 radios on 123.45 with our Wee Tune Beastie application available for download on our web site. We are now available via Black Berry or iPhone through; Android listeners can access Sky Blue Radio by downloading Retro Radio, then search for Sky Blue Radio.


Lynx Airways Worldwide Sky Blue Radio VA Of The Year

On Sunday January 22nd, Sky Blue Radio was honored to select Lynx Airways Worldwide as the first recipient of the Sky Blue Radio VA of the Year. “Lynx Airways Worldwide has been in existence for almost 20 years and exemplifies the spirit of community that Sky Blue Radio wishes to celebrate.” said station manager Jeff “JT” Turner.

Entries from 17 other virtual airlines made the selection difficult. The judges panel consisting of Sky Blue Radio staff and listeners brought a list of who they felt represented community. Each list was comprised of their selections and was varied, but Lynx was on everyone’s list of finalists.

On hearing of their selection Ivan Rivas, CEO of Lynx said, “I am very honored by your selection of Lynx Airways Worldwide as VA of the Year.” As Sky Blue Radio’s VA of the Year, Lynx will become a large part of the Sky Blue Radio family throughout the coming year.

Sky Blue Radio wishes to thank all those VA’s that submitted entries to the contest and to those VA’s that promoted their organization on the Sky Blue Radio airwaves. It was such a huge success that Sky Blue Radio will be offering anther VA Days weekend sooner rather than waiting until next year. Please keep your eyes peeled for another VA Days weekend in the coming months.

For more information Continue reading


SKY BLUE RADIO VA DAYs- Featuring FREE! Advertising for Virtual Airlines

Sky Blue Radio will be celebrating VA Days the third weekend in January on the 20th, 21st and 22nd, 2012. That weekend Virtual Airlines (VA’s) will have the opportunity to promote their airlines for free! on Sky Blue Radio and can enter to win one year of advertising if selected as the Sky Blue Radio Virtual Airline of the Year!

Airlines must submit their intentions no later than January 17th 2012. If they want SBR to produce their on-air promos they must submit copy no later than January 15th, 2012.

To be considered for Sky Blue Radios VA of the Year. VA’s must submit a one page summary of what makes their VA unique, and how does it best promote the feeling of community within flight simulation. VA’s do not have to be affiliated with any online network. Each summary will be evaluated by our panel of judges with a winner selected from the submissions. Submissions must be made no later than Continue reading


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