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VAFlash.Com Links Page Pruned

va-flashFrom time to time I visit all the websites on our links page and delete dead links and/or links of VA’s that haven’t posted with us in quite a while.  Today was the day for the current iteration. :)  I will probably prune more after I search each VA to see when their last news was posted with us.

Inevitably, this is supposed to be a two way street…  I post the link to your VA in exchange for content from your VA in the form of news.  Without content, VAFlash is a dead site.  If your VA’s site is listed on our links page, consider sending a news bit from time to time.

If you find your VA removed and have any questions please email me at the address in our Submit News page. ;)

Lindle Romero


Happy New Year from!

I just wanted to send out a Happy New Year to all VAFlash readers, Virtual Airlines, as well as all my friends in the Flight Simulator Community!  May 2013 bring you good health and continued success in everything you do!

Blue Skies,
Lindle Romero


New VAFlash Website Launched!

As you may have noticed, we have finally got around to rebranding our website.  While I would not consider this new design “complete”, I thought it made sense to just go ahead and change the site before the new year.  It’s already been a year and a month since I announced the the website rebranding!  Many things contributed to the postponement of the redesign but, I am glad that it’s finally started.  I believe the new design will assist us with branching out to do reviews, editorials, and to better serve the Flight Sim Community as a whole.

I hope you like what I’ve come up with, I’m certainly not a professional designer!  I wanted to keep it simple yet more functional with more space dedicated to news and future content.  Thanks to all our readers and the virtual airlines who post on VAFlash!  I hope each and every one of you, your pilots, and staff have a very successful and productive new year!

Best Regards,
Lindle Romero


Website Status and Site Rebranding

  I wanted to take the time to thank all who have wished me well on my surgery in comments and all the emails I have received.  They were definitely appreciated and helped keep my spirits high during my recovery.  My recovery took longer than anticipated but my arm is much better. :)   Thanks to everyone for their patience and support during my downtime..

Now for the real news of the day!  As you can see from the logo above, VAFlash will be undergoing a transformation of sorts.  The whole site will be redesigned and launched within a couple/few weeks.  I will also be expanding the VaFlash staff from one to many!  In addition to expanding beyond a one man shop, we will also be expanding VAFlash to include hardware and software reviews, editorials, and basically everything and anything related to Flight Simulation.  This has been in the plans for quite some time but was delayed due to multiple reasons.

Look for more information to come within the following days and weeks! :)

Best Regards,
Lindle Romero


VAFlash Announcement

I will be undergoing surgery tomorrow on my arm.  I will be out for an undetermined amount of time.  Please understand that all submissions will be waiting in my email inbox until I will be able to login and get to them.  It may be a week or so.  I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.  I am committed and dedicated to getting your news out there,  I just may be out of it for a bit.

Best Regards,
Lindle Romero


VAFLASH.COM Email Issues Resolved

I recently discovered that I haven’t received email in quite a while now.  Upon some investigation and troubleshooting I’ve found the problem and resolved it.  I’m receiving email submissions normally again.  If you have submitted something since the beginning of May and have not seen it posted here please resubmit if you would like it posted.  I understand that some of the submissions may have been time sensitive so I apologize if your submission was not posted in time for your event.

I’ve also had a few questions since I took over the site about logins and passwords for VAFLASH.  Currently logins actually don’t serve any purpose here.  I don’t have a “sendmail” outbound server associated with the site so confirmation emails will not be sent.  I may look at implementing this at a future date.

Thank You,
Lindle Romero

Share Holiday Wishes!

I would like to wish everyone out there a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and prosperous New Year!

2009 was a great year and we saw lots of transition at  The site was brought back from the brink of extinction partly because of the generosity of the J.A, the founder and former owner of VAFlash.   We also have partnered with many new and older VAs alike and continue to give the flightsim community the very latest news in the virtual airline arena.  In 2009 we also started tweeting out all news on and serving up news via our RSS feeds.  Check us out on twitter at:

As you can expect, 2010 will see even more changes with the site.  I plan on a site redesign so we can start to use more graphics in our articles.  I also plan to expand upon the VAFlash brand to include news, hardware and software reviews, VA Profiles, just more stuff in general..  Expansion in all the said areas will also mandate an expansion in staff.  Currently VAFlash is a one man operation; I’ll be looking to change that pretty soon.  I will also be announcing some strategic partnerships in the near future, so stay tuned!

Thanks to all the VA’s who post here with me at VAFlash!  To all VA’s who haven’t posted news with us here, give a try!

Happy Holidays,
Lindle Romero
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