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Virtual Ryan Air


One full year since foundation and numbers give a us a clue that we are on the right way.
We completely reworked our routing system to better follow requests from our 500 active pilots.
We improved the graphic side of the site to better reflect our real counterpart standards.
Third place on Va-list for two months in a row.
High attendance on our delivery flights to let us pilots experience a transoceanic flight in a 737-800.
More than three online fly ins scheduled for March.
And more will come….
We are also seeking to better achieve our goals some aviation devoted people to enlarge our staff.
Come and check recruitment and careers opportunity!

Visit Virtual Ryanair online @:


Virtual Ryanair A Growth That Never Ends

Will be one full year this month and we hit the maximum of 170 new pilot applications in January.
2700 scheduled flights, 600 active pilots who have flown more than 2500 flights in a month for 5564 hrs.
80 flights daily on average with a Sunday peak of 125 in Jan.
Four online events in a month with Vatsim and Ivao.
To pay back our pilots we created a new routing system generator that further optimizes our Flight Operation Center.
We also updated our kAcars to version 1.2 and our exclusive Crew Dock to ver 5.4.
Visitors are welcome


Virtual Ryan Air celebrates 430 Active Pilots

Six months after his foundation by CEO Thomas Zaniboni, former executive of CargoItalia Virtual, Virtualryanair celebrates today is 430th active pilot.

With the enormous rate of 4 new pilots registration daily and collecting 70 Pireps daily on average, looks like we are becoming a phenomena exactly the way has been for our real counterpart.

With more than 2100 scheduled flights, with Crew dock, an innovative way to assign flights with real routes daily aligned with Eurocontrol database, plus a unique scoring system, for each flight report submitted are most fascinating features of the company.

You are all invited to pass by and check what’s hot in 2013 agenda.


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