Enjoy bush flying? With the recent success of the Discovery channel’s hit series “Flying Wild Alaska”, and NatGeo’s popular “Alaskan Wing Men” series; bush flying appears to be gaining popularity in the flight simulation community. The simple fact is Kesuk Charters has been doing it for two years. Roger Bates started this project with the idea of taking a break from the big jets, and exploring the virtual world of Alaska in search of challenging flights. Kesuk has an “on demand” charter system where pilots may request a charter never knowing where they will end up next till they get the assignment. You could be taking fuel to a mine, delivering marine parts, taking scientists to a reserve, dropping off hunters, or delivering food, aircraft parts or mail. They also have a realistic financial system in which they track everything from fuel, de-icing fluid to office supplies. If you’re looking for a different way to challenge your skills stop by and check them out!!
Check out Kesuk Charters at: http://www.kesukvirtual.com
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