
Caal Airways Virtual Monthly Update for December 2011

What a great month December was.  We logged a total of 121 pireps which is 23 up on last month. Our VA Central Rank jumped 7 places to 107.

Mikes tour in USA was a great success and Jacks tour In south America looks like being a great tour.  We are still short of a Los Angeles Hub Manager.  All applications will be considered and should be sent to

I myself qualified as a ground controller on Vatsim in the Scottish RTS which covers Aldergrove.  I would love to get an online event up and running to put Caal Air on the Vatsim Map.  We have now been granted official partnership with Vatsim.

My last suggestion for a voice callsign was redhand, but unfortunately this callsign is used by the military so we need a new callsign.  Any ideas will be considered.

I hope that 2012 brings Caal Air forward as a top VA and I would also like to thank everyone for making it such a success so far.

Keep up the good work and well done!

Alan Cooke


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