

Prepar3d v4 64 Bit Released!


The latest and hotly anticipated 64 bit version of Lockheed Martin’s Prepar3d Flight Simulator has been released and is available for purchase!

Prepar3D v4 completely changes the simulation landscape with a comprehensive baseline update to a 64-bit architecture. Higher resolution visuals, more objects, increased data precision, larger scenarios, and improved performance are now all possible at levels never seen before in the product’s history. The sky’s not the limit!

Additionally, the release brings dynamic lighting, rain/snow particles, global 3D trees, a fully reworked software development kit (SDK), new default vehicles, and countless improvements.

Good luck getting to it anytime soon however! has been down because of the excessive traffic since early this morning. :)


Liberty Air Announces Pilot of the Month and Hub of the Month Program


We are pleased to finally introduce “Pilot of the Month” (POM) and “Hub of the Month” (HOM) awards.  These will be awarded at the end of each calendar month.  The first POM and HOM will be awarded for the month of June, 2017 and will be announced on July 1st.

These awards are based on the total number of flights flown for the month.   A Pilot of the Month ribbon will be presented to the respective recipient each month, and a formal announcement will be made in the News section of the Crew Center.  Hub of the Month will be announced in the News section of the Forums..

The inaugural winner of the June Pilot of the Month will also receive their choice of a $25 gift voucher from or


Introducing JMC Virtual

JMCVirtualjmc Virtual (an airline that has been around since 2002) is happy to announce the release of their brand new website,  staff,  airline liveries, and flights tracked and flown day to day.

If you fancy a challenge join them at


Introducing VirtualEI

VirtualEI has opened for membership. This new VA mirrors the real world Aer Lingus and is run by previous members of Caal Airways which closed 14th May 2017 after 6 years of operations.

There is a small and simple entrance exam to be taken to become a member and your first flight must be completed within 7 days of joining. The member must then complete 1 flight every 30 days.

We have the latest fully responsive modern Crew Center and use the tracking software smartCARS.

VirtualEI will be a fully active VA and its staff will be online every day to help with any queries. We promote flying on VATSIM but it is not compulsory. Our facebook group can be found at

We also have a Teamspeak3 which can be used for joint flights and future events. We still have vacancies for 3 hub managers, a Ops Director and a HR Director. To Continue reading


Canadian Xpress May Fly-In – Moonlight Madness


This month, we are switching things up a little and are going to make Boston ARTCC & Toronto FIR’s – Moonlight Madness event our monthly fly-in which includes a full complement of ATC.

The event runs from 19:00edt (23h00z) to 23h00edt (Sunday 03h00z), however it’s a sure thing that traffic will be in the area long after that. It is advised that you log-in a few minutes early as it may take longer than usual to get clearance.

Canadian Xpress® would like to invite all pilots to join us on Saturday, May 27th from 19h00edt (23h00z) to Continue reading


Introducing TexAir Virtual Airlines

TexAir VirtualTexAir Virtual Airlines is focused on simulating an imagined world-class, legacy-style air carrier rooted deeply in its Texas heritage. We are a friendly, family-like gathering of virtual aviators intent on keeping things relaxed, but also realistic. We are pilot-centric in that we prefer not to simulate the ‘corporate’ side of an airline, focusing only on the daily operation itself. Lastly, our growth is entirely dependent on pilot interest and contributions. We do not grow unless our community of pilots wants us to grow, by growing itself and showing genuine interest.

Visit TexAir Virtual online @


American Flight Airways Announces X-Plane 11 Default 737-800 and MD-82 Latest Repaints


Last month at Detroit Metro KDTW, American Flight Airways CEO Scott Reed unveiled two default X-Plane 11 models repainted in AFA colors … AFA Atlanta and AFA Latin America CityBird liveries, along with American Flight Airways ‘Mo

dern Livery’ for the MD-82 and Boeing 737-800. AFA’s LCC AlphaJet 738 has also been painted for the newest Flight Simulator – X-Plane 11

American Flight Airways is a major US virtual airline with US hubs in Detroit, Atlanta, Dallas, Phoenix, San Francisco and Washington D.C. with Australia, Canada and Latin America also having regional, domestic and international services.

Alpha Jet is AFA’s LCC flying 737-800 aircraft.

AFA offers pilots a simple, yet realistic approach to virtual aviation with a long, rich history spanning since 1996.


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